Customer database details

In accordance with 10§ (523/1999) of the Finnish Personal Data Act.


Zero Point Finland Oy (Business ID: 22995635)

Metsänpojankuja 5

02130 Espoo


Person in charge of the database

Petteri Ahonen

Phone: +358 505817293


Name of the database

Zero Point Customer Database

Grounds for record-keeping

The person has registered as a customer or has bought products from Zero Point.

Purpose of the database

Customer database maintenance, customer orders’ filing and processing, tracking of lost packets. The data can be used for activities related to development and statistics. Personal data is processed Personal Data Act and within the limits required.

Database information can be used by Zero Point for its own marketing without sharing personal information with third parties. Zero Point may use partners in the maintenance of the service and customer relationship. Some of the data may be transferred to the partner servers for technical reasons. The data is processed only for Zero Point customer relationship maintenance through technical interfaces.

Zero Point has the right to publish customer information in electric or written form, unless the customer expressly denied, for means such as mailing labels. The customer has the right to prohibit the publication of his personal information by notifying Zero Point’s Customer Service at or the person in charge of the database.

Information contained in the database

The customer database contains the following information:

  • Customer’s first and last name
  • E-mail address
  • Mailing address
  • Phone number
  • Order history
  • Tracking data of the posted orders

Disclosure of data

Customer’s information is not being disclosed outside of Zero Point.

The registered customer’s data shall be deleted upon request.

Database protection

The database is not being disclosed to third parties. The access to the database requires Zero Point’s internal network user rights. The register is located on Zero Point’s password-protected server.